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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ihya' Ramadan

Chapter 2, Revelation 185 of the Quran states:
The month of RAMADAN is that in which was revealed in the Quran; a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion (of right and of wrong). And whosoever of you are present, let him fast in the month, and whosoever of you are sick or in a journey, a number of other days. Allah desires for your ease; He desires not hardship for you; and with that you should complete the period, and with that you should magnify Allah for guiding you, and with that perhaps you may be thankful. [Quran 2:185]
Ramadan is the month in which Muslims all around the world will be fasting. As we all know, this blessed-month is just around the corner and our college will take the golden opportunity to launch a programme called Ihya' Ramadan. This program was launched on Sunday (July 7 2013) by Ustaz Mazlan bin Hashim, Deputy Director of the MARA Education (Curriculum), Islamic Educational Unit and Arabic.
Ustaz Mazlan was very enthusiastic when delivering his speech. He shared about religious duties that can be done within the month of fasting, Ramadan. After his long and informative speech, guests, teachers and the students were presented with a montage provided by REDAX 12/13 then followed by a nasyeed performance and it was successful!
During the month of Ramadan and in conjunction with the programmes, various activities will be held. For examples:

1. Tarrawih prayer is the activity that will be held only in Ramadan. Tarrawih prayer will be performed as soon as  Isya' prayer ended. Tarrawih prayer teaches Muslims to be persistent in their spiritual practices.

2. Tadarus Al-Quran. Tadarus will be done in the afternoon. Usually, students will go out for some recreational activities but, in this month, Muslims are encouraged to do extra good deeds. Students will be at Surau Raudhatul Muttaqim to recite Al-Quran.

3. Qiamulail. It is the most challenging activity. The students have to wake up early in the morning and they will do various of religious activities such as reciting Al-Quran, Tahajjud prayer and listening to Tazkirah.

Lastly, we're hoping that all of the students, teachers and staffs will succeed in building up the inner self in the month of Ramadan. Remember, try your best in finding Lailatul-Qadr! :')

See you next time! Do read the older posts and follow!

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