There were many activities carried out which include Football, Netball, Badminton, Explorace, and homeroom activities - "Corak Coret" for Form 4, Bowling Bottle, Spicy Hot Dog and others.
Football event was held at the college field. Student's team won first place, while Teacher's held second with a 5-3 record marks. Student's team was led by Ady Syafiq, a Fifth Former and the teacher's team was led by Ustaz Azraei.
Teams that won first place in netball was, The Teacher's Team led by Mdm Ainaa
Turning to events in the hall, badminton doubles event. Badminton tournmament women category was won by Ustazah Sitti Farhan and Nur Farhanah Arshad. Although Ustazah Farhan seemed to be very gentle, but she was proven to be very good in sports.
For men, the team Ustaz Wan Azizul and Wan Ashraf won first place.
Explorace activities were carried out by representatives of the Students' Leadership. Ahmad Fadli represented the Students Representative Council, while Dzul Hakim represented the Students Disciplinary Board. Cooperative Board was represented by Adam Alani. Peer Counsellor was represented by Khairuddin. Abdul Muhaimin was the representative for Learning Resource Center. As for the third Former students, they were involved in the Explorace activities.
'Corak-Coret with Form 4', was one of the homeroom activities. There were two categories for this activity which were Homeroom Portrait and Greeting Cards. The purpose of this activity was to bridge the relationship between the teachers and the Form 4 students. This activity was planned by Teacher Balkiah. Homeroom Al-Khawarizmi 13 was awarded the first place for Portrait category while Homeroom Arabi has secured the 1st place for Greeting Cards contest.
For Bottle Bowling event, Madam Marliana defeated other participants.
Spicy Hot Dogs event was an event which participants had to eat extremely spicy sausages. However, Muhammad Hasif Aiman was the champion while his best buddy, Muhammad Izzat came next.
Entering the hall.
Master and Mistress of Ceremony :D
Closing and Award Giving ceremony for Staff-Teachers' Day was held at 11.30 am at the House of Al-Biruni. Several awards were given to teachers based on students' votes. The awards were: -
The Most Stylish Teacher: - Miss Nadila
The Most Sporting Teacher: - Mr. Ridhuan
The Most Visionary Teacher: - Mr. Faizal
The Most ProActive Teacher: - Teacher Fazliana
The Most Pious Teacher: - Ustaz Rezmi
The Most Sweetest Couple: - Ustaz Wan and Madam Farahiyah
The Most Kind-Hearted Teacher: - Ustazah Sitti Farhan
And ...
Ustaz Rasdi B Muda as the winner for the Most Strict Teacher!
The Drama Team.
The Zapin Team :)
After the award show, there were several presentations performed by the students of every form. However, the most interesting part was a sketch presentation by cool new teachers. The sketch was an absolute surprise for students because that was the first time ever for teachers to perform during Teacher's Day!
One of the most saddening moments was when our former Arts Teacher, Mr. Ahmad Firdawos bin Md Salleh, posted us a video expressing his gratitude to all teachers of MJSC LANGKAWI and he wished all the teachers and students would be always in a great health and could succeed in their lives. Some of us burst into tears when listening to his dramatic speech. He is now currently in MJSC PONTIAN, serving there. Yet, where ever he is, his face and features will always be mended in our mind and heart.
Moving on to next performance by our dedicated male educators. Ustaz Wan, Ustaz Azraei, Mr. Zafri, Mr Zul and Mr. Stanley teamed up for an acoustic show which was awesome. They sang a very meaningful song entitled 1, 2, 3, 4 originally sung by Aris Ariwatan.
Overall, Teachers and Staff Day this year is one of the greatest events in the history of MJSC Langkawi . Congratulations to all those who have involved directly or indirectly. Hopefully this success will continue in the future. Lastly, let us thank our teachers for their countless sacrifice and deeds which they have given us. THANK YOU TEACHERS!
See you next time! Do read the older posts and follow!