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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Semester BREAK!!!

Akhirnya...semester break sampai gak. Sape yang lebih excited nih...cikgu ke pelajar?? hehe.... Camne pun pelajar semua dah balik pada 26 Mei dan bercuti sampai 11 Jun..but not for the fifth formers. Depa terlibat dengan program PG until 30th May. My salute to those teachers that involved in the program. Walaupun semua cikgu hanya mula bercuti pada 31 Mei sebab perlu siap marking paper...tapi kat cikgu2 Add Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology...kesanggupan anda memberi penekanan dalam subjek masing-masing sepanjang 4 hari tu...amat menKAGUMkan. Students gak tak kurang hebatnya sebab sanggup menyahut cabaran untuk pulang lewat. Semoga pengorbanan anda semua tidak sia2. 100 A+ in SPM's not impossible! all teachers...selamat bercuti. Gunakan masa tersebut dengan sebaik2nye. Kepada yang pergi dip. Ed... all the best. Bila balik nanti lebih banyak tugas mencabar sedang menanti. Especially to PMR and SPM's teachers. We been there...and we did it excellently. So we should be ready to make another impact...history is meant to be us!!!

See you next time! Do read the older posts and follow!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

International Sustainable World (Energy,Engineering,Environment) Project Olympiad [I-SWEEEP 2011]

I-Sweeep 2011 was taken place at George R. Brown Convention Centre in Houston, Texas, USA from 4 May to 9 May 2011. It is a groundbreaking Science fair competition open to high school students and largest event of its kind worldwide. I-Sweeep is organized by Cosmos Foundation and supported by other higher education institutions.
There were 70 countries participating in I-Sweeep 2011with the total no of 2222 registered projects from all over the world. About 440 projects were involved with 180 are from International Projects.
This is the third times M'sia has taken part in I-Sweeep and for the 2nd year in a row MRSM Langkawi has been selected. MRSM TGB, Taiping, Kuantan and Merbok had also sending their projects for the competition.
With a project title ' Adding Montmorillonite Clay to Polypropylene Polymer in Reducing the Usage of Crude Oil', Muhd Affan bin Othman and Farah Dini binti Zaini had made us proud by winning the Bronze Medal. Congratulation too to Miss Mimi Syadzlina for her support, advice and most important her unconditional effort to make sure our representative will give their very best during the presentation to the judges.
Other than the major event, there were also some relaxing and fun events such as field trip and Social event. The awards giving ceremony was held on Mother's Day and for those who are interested to know more, you can go to
Congratulation again to Miss Mimi Syadzlina, Muhd Affan and Farah Dini. You really make us proud! MRSM Langkawi has never failed to produce the very best from their students.

See you next time! Do read the older posts and follow!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hari Guru 2011 - MRSM Langkawi

Dengan Tema " Guru Penjana Tranformasi Pendidikan Negara" , sambutan Hari Guru di MRSM Langkawi tahun ini sedikit berbeza berbanding tahun-tahun lepas. Disebabkan kekangan minggu peperiksaan, kelab guru (KAGUM) telah berkoliberasi dengan Badan Wakil Pelajar (BWP) untuk mengadakan acara sukan dan permainan secara santai dengan para pelajar. Program yang telah dirancang mendapat sambutan hangat dari para pelajar dan juga para guru yang diraikan. Tidak lupa kepada warga staf MRSM Langkawi yang turut memeriahkan acara.
Bermula dengan permainan traditional di Dewan Besar MRSM, pelajar dan guru bergabung tenaga sebagai satu pasukan untuk memenangi acara Galah Panjang dan juga Gelong. Sementara dalam acara Dam Aji, Congkak dan Batu Seremban, pelajar dan guru bertanding sesama mereka bagi merebut status sebagai juara.
Pada sebelah petang pula diadakan perlawanan bolasepak antara guru/staf dan juga pelajar. Pastinya kemenangan berpihak kepada guru/staf dengan keputusan 3-2. Permainan diteruskan kesebelah malam dalam acara badminton beregu dengan mengabungkan guru/staf dan pelajar. Walaupun tamat agak lewat iaitu pada jam 11.30 malam, keseronokan dan kegembiraan terpancar di wajah setiap peserta dan juga penonton yang sama-sama memberi sokongan kepada pasukan masing-masing.
Harapan kami warga guru, semoga apa yang dilakukan dapat mengeratkan lagi hubungan dengan para pelajar dan seterusnya menerbitkan perasaan hormat pelajar kepada warga guru/staf MRSM Langkawi. Terima kasih kepada semua pelajar yang turut bersama-sama meraikan sambutan Hari Guru 2011 dan tidak lupa terima kasih atas hadiah yang diberikan. Ingatlah wahai para pelajar yang disayangi semua, Hadiah terhebat untuk para guru adalah kejayaan yang ditunjukkan dalam peperiksaan dan juga jati diri yang tinggi sebagai seorang insan.
Selamat berjaya kepada semua pelajar dalam menduduki peperiksaan Semester 1, 2011 bermula 15 Mei hingga 26 Mei 2011. Do your best and you will get the best!!
See you next time! Do read the older posts and follow!

Karnival Sukan Guru dan Staf MRSM Langkawi 2011

Alhamdullilah...untuk tahun ke-3 berturut-turut acara sukan yang menemukan guru dan staf MRSM Langkawi ini berjaya dilaksanakan dan mendapat sambutan yang hebat dari warga MRSM Langkawi. Untuk tahun ini, karnival tersebut telah dianjurkan oleh Kelab Kakitangan MRSM Langkawi (KETARA) dan melibatkan 28 acara bagi kedua-dua kategori lelaki dan perempuan. Karnival bermula pada 2 Mei 2011 dengan acara petanque dan badminton dan berakhir pada 15 Mei 2011 dengan acara penutup iaitu Tarik Tali. Sepanjang tempoh karnival, para guru dan staf telah menunjukkan komitmen yang tidak berbelah bagi bagi menjayakannya. Walaupun kadangkala terpaksa bersengkang mata hingga larut malam hanya untuk memastikan pasukan masing-masing berjaya dalam acara yang ditandingi.
 Tahniah kepada kelab KAGUM (Kelab Guru) dan kelab KETARA kerana berjaya menyatukan warga MRSM Langkawi melalui acara sukan yang dipertandingkan. Untuk kali pertamanya sejak Karnival ini dianjurkan 2 tahun lepas, Kelab KETARA berjaya menewaskan kelab KAGUM untuk muncul sebagai Johan Keseluruhan dengan memenangi 16 dari 28 acara yang dipertandingkan. Pastinya tahun depan kelab KAGUM akan tampil dengan visi dan misi yang lebih jitu bagi memastikan piala yang terlepas akan dapat dimiliki semula.
Berikut merupakan ringkasan senarai pemenang dalam setiap acara :

1. Petanque : Lelaki - KAGUM
                      Perempuan - KETARA

2. Badminton : Lelaki - KAGUM
                        Perempuan - KETARA

3. Dart : Lelaki - KETARA
              Perempuan - KETARA

4. Catur (terbuka) - KETARA

5. Dam Aji : Lelaki - KETARA
                     Perempuan - KAGUM

6. Congkak : Lelaki - KAGUM
                     Perempuan - KETARA

7. Sudoku : Lelaki - KETARA
                   Perempuan - KETARA

8. Karom : Lelaki - KAGUM
                  Perempuan - KAGUM

9. Futsal : Lelaki - KAGUM
                 Perempuan - KETARA

10. Bola Tampar : Lelaki - KAGUM
                              Perempuan - KETARA

11. PingPong : Lelaki - KAGUM
                         Perempuan - KAGUM

12. Takraw : Lelaki - KETARA

13. Bowling : Lelaki - KAGUM
                      Perempuan - KETARA

14. Bolasepak  - KETARA

15. Bola Jaring  - KETARA

16. Tariktali : Lelaki - KAGUM
                       Perempuan - KETARA

See you next time! Do read the older posts and follow!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Benchmarking PMR and SPM 2011

From May 4 until May 6 2011 teachers and few staffs from MRSM Langkawi had a long journey by bus to Kelantan. Their mission : to enrich their knowledge and skills in teaching and always motivated to achieve the very best in their jobs. For that reasons, Sekolah Menengah Sains Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, Kota Bharu and MRSM Pasir Tumboh are their benchmark as both schools had shown tremendous achievement in PMR dan SPM in the past few years.
 18 upper and lower form teachers, and 5 non academic staffs were involved in the benchmarking program. They started with MRSM Pasir Tumboh at 9.00 am, May 5 before they left to SMSTMFP at about 11.30 am. Even thought not all teachers has the opportunity to meet their counterparts, for those who could, they really did their very best to acquire as much information as they could in their subjects matter. It was not a one way communication though, we also share our teaching formula with them. Staffs also did their part by collecting information on good management and administration practices.Thanx a zillion  to all who had welcome us and entertaining us during the benchmarking program.
 As for tuan Haji Mahzan, the principal of MJSC Pengkalan Chepa, who was the former principal of MJSC Langkawi, your warmest welcome will never be forgotten.We had our lunch in his house and you could imagined with all the people we bring in, it was a very busy afternoon to both En. Mahzan and Pn. Hikmah. Thank you for your kindness heart...

So, one whole day benchmarking program ended at about 5.00 pm and with everything they have gained, i hope they will be highly motivated and more creative in their teaching methods. Stand up to our motto this year " Defying the Odds" so our students will not only give their very best but they also will get the very best from us, teachers and staffs of MRSM Langkawi.

100% A in PMR and 100% A+ in SPM 2011

See you next time! Do read the older posts and follow!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pesta Ragbi 10 Sebelah MRSM seMalaysia

Pertandingan tersebut telah diadakan di MRSM Terendak dari 5 hingga 8 Mei 2011. Dengan diiringi oleh Pak Syed dan Ustaz Azraii, team ragbi MRSM Langkawi yang dikenali sebagai "Hawk Eyes" majoritinya terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar tingkatan 5 telah menunjukkan semangat juang yang tinggi dalam pertandingan tersebut. Walaupun tewas dalam perlawanan pertama kepada MRSM Lenggong namun mereka membuktikan MRSM Langkawi bukan pasukan belasahan apabila menang dalam 2 perlawanan kumpulan seterusnya kepada MRSM Felda dan juga MRSM Besut.

Dalam perlawanan penentuan Kategori Bowl / Shield, MRSM Kota Putra telah ditunjukkan jalan keluar dengan kemenangan 15 - 0. Ini membolehkan MRSM Langkawi bertanding di dalam kategori Bowl dan memulakan dengan langkah kanan apabila menang peringkat Suku Akhir dengan MRSM PDRM. Namun nasib tidak menyebelahi anak-anak didik Pak Syed apabila tewas dalam perlawanan yang sengit pada peringkat separuh akhir kepada MRSM Tawau dengan keputusan 5-8.

Tahniah diucapkan kepada semua pelajar yang membuktikan MRSM Langkawi bukan saja cemerlang dalam akademik, namun turut menunjukkan prestasi yang memberangsangkan dalam aktiviti kokurikulum.

Team Hawk Eyes  - Abdullah Afifi, Mohd Hanif, Mohd Aidid, Mohd Hazir, Syarizal, Khairul Anwar, Khairul 'Aqil,  Mohd Hazmin, Mohd Aiman, Mohd Nur Husaini, Amir Faisal, Mohd Zharif, Amir 'Izzat, Amirul Hakim, Ahmad Redza, Mohd Mujiib
See you next time! Do read the older posts and follow!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Maths Day 2011

Maths Day 2011 were held on Saturday May 7, 2011. All maresmawian from form 1 up to form 5 participated in the event. Started at 8.30 in the morning, students were tested in Calculator Skills, Quizzes, OSME, Sudoku, and Maths Project using Excell Program. The main event, Golden Bell, were held at the Grand Hall. Those who are not familiar with the game, Golden Bell is a game that required contestant to answer mathematics questions within a time period given (10 secs). Those who fail to answer correctly will be eliminated and the last person standing will be announce as the winner and will be given the honor to ring the bell. Congratulation to all teachers from the maths department, helpers among students and of course to the most dedicated principal Tuan Haji Shabani Ahmad for his support. Congratulation too to all winners who will represent MRSM Langkawi in Maths Carnival with was scheduled on July 2011.
 List of winners :

1. Sudoku : Lower Form - 1. Nur Najihah Nadzim (204)
                                            2. Siti Aisyah Muktar (201)
                                            3. Nur Afiqah Mohd Yazid (304)

                  Upper Form - 1. Nur Hasyakilla Zainal (502)
                                          2. Najihah Samid (402)
                                          3. Nur Ilyana Zainal Arifin (406)

2. Maths Project : Lower Form - 1. Anwar Haikal / Muhammad Zakri (205)
                                                      2. Rifdi Akmal / Muhammad Irfan (302)
                                                      3. Mohd Nizam / Khairuddin (201)

                            Upper Form - 1. Fatin Nasuha / Nur Syazwani (504)
3. Maths Exibition : 
                     Lower Form - 1. Fathin Syahira / Mohd Nadzmi / Tg Ahmad Nadeim (204)
                                             2. Nur Farhanah / Amir Aiman / Mohd Adeb (206)
                                             3. Amin Syafiq / Intan Azira / Ashraff (203)

                    Upper Form - 1. Mas Amelia / Aisyah Haziqah / Dzarifa Amiera (504)
                                            2. Ellis Nusara / Asma / Mohd Haziq (405)
                                            3. Ainul Husna / Nurul Syahira / Siti Norhanis (401)

4. Calculator Skills : Lower Form - 1. Nurul Eleena Roslan (501)
                                                            2. Alya Danish Mustaffa Kamal (505)
                                                            3. Dhiya Dinie Saad (502)

                               Upper Form - 1. Nur Fattin Abdul Khani (302)
                                                       2. Muhammad Shafiq Mohd Zaidy (204)
                                                       3. Nur Adilah Ramli (106)

5. Maths Quizzes : 1. Siti Mardhiah binti Muhammad Fauzi (504)
                               2. Nur Nadia Mazlan (504)
                               3. Ahmad Amirul Hakim Mohd Hamid (206)

6. O.S.M.E : 1. Muhammad Ikhmal Hakim Mohd Ikhwanizam (206)
                     2. Mohamad Syafiq bin Md. Sobri (206)
                     3. Aliff Firdaus bin Jamaluddin (206)

See you next time! Do read the older posts and follow!

Monday, May 2, 2011

MRSM North Zone Sports and Games Competition 2011 - Upper Form

The competition was held at MRSM Balik Pulau from April 22 until April 24, 2011. MRSM Langkawi has bagged Golds in Tennis and Table Tennis. As for the Netball team, congratulation on their no-hold-barred performance that in the end has contributed Bronze to our college. Even though it was not the best performance from MRSM Langkawi since its participation in the competition,  but with high spirit and sportsmanship, overall the contingent had shown that they deserved to be there.
Below is what they have achieved in all event :

1. Tennis Double - Gold ( Nur Ameela Najwa / Nur Iwani)
2. Tenis Double - Bronze (Muhamad Haikal / Azree Nazrin)
3. Table Tennis - Gold (Mohd Muhaimin / Mohd Syafiq / Mohd Ajmal / Khairon Hazimah / Nurul Syuhada)
4. Netball - Bronze

As for the Table Tennis Team and Tennis Double team (Female) - They will represent North Zone in National InterMRSM competition. Congratulation!
See you next time! Do read the older posts and follow!

Pertandingan Catur MSSD Langkawi 2011

Pertandingan tersebut telah diadakan pada 24 April 2011 bertempat di Dewan Gunung Mat Chincang, Sekolah Menengah Teknik Langkawi. MRSM Langkawi telah menghantar 16 orang peserta terdiri dari 8 orang bagi peringkat Menengah Rendah (bawah 15) dan selebihnya dalam peringkat Menengah Atas (bawah 18). Cikgu Norzamila telah mengiringi pelajar di dalam pertandingan ini. keputusan yang dicapai amat memberangsangkan kerana 2 orang peserta lelaki berjaya mewakili Langkawi dalam pertandingan peringkat negeri pada 29 dan 30 April di tempat yang sama.

Berikut merupakan keputusan pertandingan peringkat MSSD

Bawah 15 :
1. Syahirul Fahmie Shamsudin - tempat ke-2 (mewakili Langkawi ke MSSK)

Bawah 18:
1. Muhammad Nabil Ismail - tempat ke-3 (mewakili Langkawi ke MSSK)  
2. Nurul Shifaa Zaini - 9
3. Nurul Fadzhilah Mohd Ali - 10
4. Norfaizah Shukor - 11
5. Maamira Liyana Mior Ishamuddin - 15

Tahniah kepada semua pemenang!
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